Thursday, August 2, 2012

MSN Video on Fundly and $300 Billion Social Fundraising Market

MSN interviewed Fundly CEO Dave Boyce on our recent entry into the educational and non-profit fundraising markets.  Some memorable quotes are below followed by a link to the full video (3 minutes give or take).

“Politico calls it one of the most ‘in demand’ pieces of technology. Candidates like Barbara Boxer and Meg Whitman use it to help run their campaigns. But this small business says that politics pales in comparison with the $300 billion market they are getting into now.”

“Fundly has a social fundraising platform. Social fundraising has proven to be very effective.  If a friends asks a friend for a donation, your likelihood of a gift is 10x and the average gift is 52% larger.”

“Fundly has been used in more than 50% of the senatorial and more than 33% of the gubernatorial races this political season.  But now the company is moving into a much larger arena.  Political candidates raise on average about $3 billion a year.  Educational institutions raise $30 billion a year and non-profit in general raises $300 billion a year.  Fundly has already secured 40 customers in the new markets and is growing every day.”

You can view the full video is here.

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