It seems like when reviewing the third quarter fundraising dollars for the Republican party, who gave is just as important as how much was given.
Rick Perry is in the lead bringing in $17 million this quarter. $9.7
million came from his donors in Texas and 4% came from small donors who
gave less than $200 (a much smaller percent than his other candidates).
Governor Perry is hot with the oil & gas industry, agriculture,
doctors and lawyers.
T.W. Farnam shared this insight about Perry written in the Washington
Post: “Perry’s total puts him at the top of the Republican field in
fundraising, but his reliance on maxed-out donors who are legally
prohibited from contributing more means it will require a lot of work to
continue raising money in light of the candidate’s recent collapse in
the polls.”
Farman also states that, “Perry’s biggest source of cash was the
employees of Ryan, a Texas tax and accounting firm run by G. Brint Ryan,
a supporter of the governor. The company’s employees gave $158,000 to
Perry’s campaign.”
Mitt Romney follows Perry with third quarter totals amounting to $14
million. Mitt’s supporters come from a broader base then Perry’s and
supporters include finance, Hollywood, high technology, and media folks.
Don’t read too much into the fact that Perry’s numbers are higher
than Romney’s for Q3. Remember that Perry started later than Romney so
Perry has been going after his low-hanging local (Texas) gifts. Romney
swept up his low-hanging donations much earlier this year.
In third place is Ron Paul who raised $3.8 million primarily from supporters who gave less than $200 each.
Herman Cain is gaining a surprising amount of support and raised $2.8
million this quarter, including a $175,000 personal loan. As his public
presence and opinion increases, I’m sure his bank account will, too.
Even with all these impressive numbers, President Obama has raised
$70 million for his campaign and the Democratic Party. Although our
economy may be in shambles, the guy certainly knows how to raise a buck
or two.
To learn more about how Fundly can benefit your political fundraising efforts online, check out Fundly today.
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