Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fundraising Online Is Easy For Fundraisers To Raise Money Fast

There is a fundamental change occurring in the way non-profit organizations, entrepreneurs and individuals are approaching the aspect of fundraising. Traditionally, when fundraisers are held in the physical world, their presence and visibility are limited to the location from which the fundraisers are being held and the number of individuals who help fundraise. Thanks to technology, the art offundraising has been exponentially enhanced through social media and platforms that allow individuals to collaborate, donate and collect for a common cause. People from all over the world are now able to publicize their causes and raise money online in order to better the situations of themselves and those around them.

The most popular method for online fundraisers is a technique called crowdfunding. Crowdsourced fundrasing allows individuals, business and causes to put forth an idea, determine a goal for the amount of funds to raise and set a deadline for raising the funds. Typically, crowdfunding social fundraising sites will display your project along with projects from a variety of categories. Individuals who are interested in funding or donating to projects can visit the site and select thefundraising project that is closest to their interests. By default, these sites can add a great boost to your effort to raise money online but when coupled with other approaches, can be even more effective.

One of these approaches is the concept of integrating your crowdfunding opportunity with direct social networking platforms. Most likely you already use a service such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or LinkedIn. These services can be used to vastly boost your earning potentials through crowdfunding sites such as Fundly, the largest online social fundraising platform in the world will allow you to share your fundraisers directly with all of your friends and also allowing donors to share your project to all of their friends. Such methods have been shown to increase fundraising potential by up to 50%.

Once these mechanisms are in place for your project, one will be able to fundraise quickly, cheaply and with little effort. Since your project is viewable online by millions of people, the amount one can fundraise in a given amount of time is much larger than compared to a traditional fundraiser. When you raise money online, you also avoid the conventional costs of a fundraiser; some sites may charge a fee for their services, but in the end it is worth it when compared to the extra money said cause generates. Once you have advertised your event and others are donating to the cause, you can typically sit back and watch the dollars roll in as individuals contribute and announce to their friends that they have contributed, which leads to more donations.

By following these tips, you too can begin to raise money online for your favorite cause, charity or start-up. There are individuals with deep pockets out there waiting to hear from you; all you have to do is make your case and promote your cause. By turning your fundraiser into an online fundraising event and integrating it with social fundraising platforms, your project will receive the time, attention and funds it truly deserves.

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