Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ron Paul’s Unconventional Approach to Fundraising

Is it just me or are politicians starting to look more like movie stars? The forerunners seem to have suits tailored to perfection, speeches memorized with eloquence and passion, and wives flawlessly styled and ready to walk any red carpet. Okay, that may be a little extreme, but can an old fashioned, grassroots politician gain the support of the American people? Republican candidate Ron Paul seems to think so.
More Mayberry than Hollywood, Congressman Paul is surprising political analysts with his ability to sway a wide demographic of supporters into his camp. “In the third quarter of 2011, Paul raised over $8 million, including ‘contributions from more than 100,000 unique donors — “more than five times the number of total donors to the campaign of Texas Governor Rick Perry.” ‘In the final months of 2011, Paul raised $13 million,” reports Robert Taylor on

Furthermore, “The disparity of donors becomes even clearer when you compare Paul’s support to the other candidates. While President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney’s top donors are Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, CitiGroup, Morgan Stanley, and Bank of America, the top three donors to the Paul campaign are PACs and individual members associated with the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force. According to the New York Times, only 11% of Paul’s donors gave more than $1,500.”

In a surprising turn, Paul is gaining the support of a large group of the under 40 crowd. Taylor speculates that this section of voters is disgruntled by the political machine and tainted by having to foot the massive bill for wars and bailouts from previous administrations. Speaking simple truths and avoiding catch phrases, Paul’s honesty and integrity is winning over an unlikely bunch. “It is precisely because of Paul’s anti-establishment message, and not his personality or status, that so many non-traditional donors are attracted to his campaign. Although Paul’s chance of claiming the GOP nomination and the White House are slim if you listen to the mainstream media, it his fundamentally his ideas — individual liberty, free markets, constitutional government, sound money, and a humble foreign policy — that are winning and changing the face of public discourse,” observes Taylor.

There seems to be a fine line that politicians must walk to please the masses: they have to be polished without appearing fake. They have to have strong opinions without offending their supporters. They have to keep up with the times by using social media fundraising while still connecting with the people on a personal level. They are required to wine and dine millionaires while still appearing to be the “every man.” Nope, I don’t think I have what it takes to be a politician…

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