Thursday, May 17, 2012

Non-Profit Groups Unite to Have Greater Influence

I mentioned in a post earlier this week that there are a lot of similarities between non-profit and for profit organizations. Marketing goals, increasing funds, and having a loyal following are just a few examples. However, non-profits have a strong pull at helping the greater good and uniting with groups who have a similar interest can create a greater impact.

There is a press release on that shows when groups with a common mission unite, more people are able to be helped and their effectiveness is more widespread. “Since 2006, the nonprofit Sarcoma Alliance has maintained a directory of U.S. and international sarcoma organizations, including their mission statements, accomplishments and contact information.

“The directory helps nonprofits cooperate and collaborate. Sarcoma patients and their families and friends also can use it to find organizations that serve their needs. People may find one nonprofit that does everything they want. Others will seek different things from different groups.”

Sarcoma is a rare form of cancer that touches the lives of about 15,000 people per year. “A peer-to-peer network, live chat room, blogFacebook page, YouTube channel and discussion board to let people support one another and share information.”

Non-profit groups tend to be well versed in collaborating with one another. I’ve noticed that if one organization has a surplus of supplies, they tend to know who can help distribute the goods to those in need. Other benefit to cooperating with a larger group of non-profits is idea sharing, comparing fundraising strategies and discussing where to find the best vendors or resources.

Social Media is one of the easiest ways to stay touch with others of like interests. From Facebook to LinkedIn, you can communicate and update your colleagues and donors alike. This is also a great place to encourage online giving and test the potential of your website.

During this time when many charities are trying to increase (or even maintain) their donations, uniting as a group can be one of your greatest assets.
If your non-profit is looking for creative ways to reach and engage a larger audience, gain new donors, and scale your organization, you should check out Fundly’s online fundraising tools for social fundraising today.

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