Thursday, May 17, 2012

Get the Biggest Bang for Your Buck – Recruit More Volunteers!

With a tight economy and more tasks to do than time to do it, volunteers can be the key to a non-profit’s sustainability. When donors volunteer they become more invested in your organization, they tell their friends about your charity, and you get more work done without adding another person to the payroll. It can be a win, win situation.

There are a few tips to use volunteers effectively. First of all, have a clean and organized space for them to work at to make a great first impression. Secondly, prepare the task to be performed before the volunteer arrives so they can get to work right away. The longer they have to wait, the more disgruntled they will become because you’ll be wasting their time… enable them to be productive for you. Thirdly, give your employees a little briefing on respect, appreciation and staying on task while volunteers are around. Your volunteers will be watching how your office or business functions – and they will tell others!

I’ve also noticed that bigger corporations support volunteer days when their employees can take a weekday and choose to work at a particular non-profit. Not only is this a great time to paint a building or send out bulk mailers, but it’s the best time to recruit future donors. When else are these people going to see firsthand the importance of your mission, the passion of your staff and the results of those you’ve helped?

It is also helpful to note what skills your volunteers are bringing to your charity. If you have someone who is great with computers, don’t waste this opportunity having them put stamps on envelopes. Those volunteers may best help your online fundraising efforts in social media, search engines, and email. However, you also don’t want to overwhelm them and take advantage of their servitude. You also don’t want someone who hates talking on the phone to make donor calls. If possible, create a questionnaire so that you can match your volunteers’ talents to the tasks you need to have completed. Your volunteers will be more likely to have an enjoyable time and return if they do what they like.

Volunteers can be a huge connection from your organization to countless supports, especially when it comes to helping you raise money. If you give them a great experience, they’ll be sure to tell their friends (and with social media outlets, that could be hundreds!) Use their time and skills wisely, show your appreciation and put your best foot forward. Who knows the rewards you’ll reap?

When it comes to volunteer led fundraising, Fundly is leading the way for many non-profit organizations, schools, political campaigns, groups, and teams big and small. Support and recognize the good work of your volunteers and you can bet they’ll go to bat for your organization and ask their friends to support you as well… and by using popular social networking channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google Plus these ‘volunteers’ can be your most valuable fundraisers.

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