Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What Is Your Non-Profit’s Personality?

“What is your non-profit’s personality?” What kind of crazy question is that? Do organizations and charities have personalities? Why is it important for your donors to associate your cause with certain traits and characteristics? Who thinks of this stuff?

I came upon an article by Kivi Leroux Miller on Network for Good and she has some applicable points for non-profits to benefit from. She got me thinking that every major brand has a clearly defined personality to relate to its specific target group. The soda and fast food conglomerates have bright colors and flashy slogans to gain the attention of the younger generation. Pharmaceutical brands create commercials to appeal to their consumer base. Fashion lines direct their advertising with graphics and music to grab the attention of their market. Non-profits could truly benefit from the marketing savvy of the business world (which is happening more and more.)

So, let’s get back to the topic at hand: What is the personality of your non-profit? From my experience and observations, I must say that who your company is is defined by who is in charge. If your CEO is laid back and casual, that is the attitude of your office. If your president is organized, structured and no nonsense, that is the feeling that your donors will get at events, in e-mails and in your direct mail campaigns. The person in charge is the compass that directs the personality of your organization.

How do donors get a feel for your personality? Miller suggests to always write in the first person and to let the donors know who is doing the talking. Business meetings can have formal notes, but let your communication with supporters be more personal. Next, share your honest opinions. “Don’t be afraid to take a stand. Point out what and who is right, and what and who is wrong (or at least heading in the right or wrong direction, if you need to be more diplomatic about it). People look to nonprofits as trustworthy leaders, so show some leadership by pointing the way,” explains Miller.

Your supporters also want to know a piece of the reality that goes into your outreach programs. What are your up and downs? What are you struggling with? What specific stories tell the tale of how you are making a difference? Engage your readers with humor and honest mistakes. They want to know that there is a living, breathing human behind the keyboard.

Relatability and honestly are two strong characteristics that donors seek when looking for a cause and charity to support. Accessibility is another. Through social media, you can easily show your personality to a larger group of donors through e-mails, Facebook posts and blogging. Let Fundly partner with you to help your personality shine through as a way to further your fundraising goals.

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