Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Making some tough digital decisions? Remember: sharing prompts caring

Mark Zuckerberg’s “law of sharing” states that the amount of information shared digitally will double every year.

One of social media’s most powerful and influential women, Sheryl Sandberg (chief operating officer of Facebook) shared with The Economist exactly what she thinks this means.

The internet has evolved from a place where people search for info to a place that powers – and empowers – the individual. In recent years, the individual has engaged in a new sharing experience online.

Increasingly, there is a convergence between the virtual self and the actual self. As Sandberg explains it, technology enables the individual to share themselves. The individuals shares information because they care – about what they are sharing or about who they are sharing with. A single act of sharing, in turn, can cause others to care. It’s this positive dynamic between sharing and caring that has ultimately created a culture that encourages sharing online.

Fundly embraces this sharing-caring relationship. We’ve created a social fundraising platform that allows donors to share their support for a cause with their friends.  When these donations are shared digitally, donations grow. The world thrives.

Sandberg says that launching of the Facebook timeline in 2012 will further enable and encourage individuals to share a 3-dimensional version of themselves online.  Only time will tell the full impact of this timeline, but it’s safe to say that it will be profound. With more than 800 million users worldwide, Facebook’s timeline will directly shape the virtual identities and lives of more than 800 million individuals.

Choosing to share your support for a cause online might be one of the most influential decisions you make.

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