Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Religious Groups Receive Most Donations

Giving is up, and that’s great news for non-profits. According to the Giving USA Foundation and its research partner, the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, Americans gave about 10 billion dollars more than in 2009 which brings the astounding total to about 290 billion dollars. Our country is becoming more generous as giving steadily rises. Furthermore, these organizations estimate that about 75 million households gave to at least one charity this past year.

The Voice of America (VOA) highlights this study conducted by Giving USA and the Center on Philanthropy and details that 35% of all donations went to religious groups followed by schools and education based organizations who received 14% of total donations.

The VOA also discusses findings conducted by Charity Navigator who interviewed more than 500 donors and over 100 charities. They found that, “On average, these charities said they received forty-one percent of all their donations in the last few weeks of the year. Charity Navigator also asked donors about the kinds of charities they would likely support this holiday season. Human services rated at the top of the list. Arts, culture and humanities rated at the bottom.”

As more people are needing help because of lay-offs, foreclosures and government cuts, I find it heartwarming that so many donors are stepping up to the plate to help their fellow man. I believe that compassion and close-to-home situations are prompting this surge of generosity, but I also think that social media is bringing attention to these needs like never before. Social media is also making donating easier and connecting donors to charities that appreciate their sacrifice and will carefully use their dollars.

If you are a leader at a charity that has not yet tapped into the full potential that social media fundraising has to offer your organization, the staff at Fundly would love to help you implement this valuable resource. If so many people are willing to give, then why not make your charity available to those funds?

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